When the Sky Begins to Fall...
Thursday, August 26, 2004
      ( 8/26/2004 09:53:00 PM ) Lisa  
I start school a week from next Tuesday and I have nothing ready. Tomorrow we have to pay fees and hopefully we get our class schedules. I still need supplies and my uniform and I have to finish reading 1.5 books and write 40-50 journals. :( I am NOT ready for this at all. I'm going to read and write as many journals as I can tomorrow at work. Hopefully it's slow and then since I don't work at all on Saturday, I'm going to dedicate that day to my summer homework. blah.

Thursday, August 05, 2004
      ( 8/05/2004 11:31:00 PM ) Lisa  

I'm a tad bored at the moment, so I thought I should update this since I never do anymore. I hung out with Jill today. 'Twas fun! :) We stopped by Vanessa's house and agreed we're all going to hang out soon. I feel bad never asking my friends to hang out, but I don't drive so it'd be like: "hey blah-blah-blah! Wanna hang out? Okay, what time are you gonna come get me?" That's so evil and I feel rude doing that.

Anyway, what makes me angry is that my parents let me go out VERY RARELY and when I do get to go out, my dad only lets me stay out for a few hours. Christina gets to go out all freakin' day long, but once it hits 10:00, I have to go home. Why is that? Am I not the older one in the family? Yeah, I guess not.




Lisa. 16. Sicilian. Chicago. Southside. Junior in high school. Mood swings. Rebel. Musician. Flute. Bass. Nipple fetish. Short. Weird. Athletic. Middle Child. Likes surveys. Labeled as "Punk" and "Goth." Sees no point in labels. Smart. Debates. Yells a lot. Reads. Writes. Penguins are awesome. Hates curly hair. Hates phones. Dyed black hair. 4.3 GPA. Quiet. Little feet. Black clothes. Chains. Spikes. Bad temper. Impatient. Hates shopping.

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